11/31You ignore going to the doctor

You ignore going to the doctor

Going to the doctor only when things get out of hand or only when you need a prescription is the wrong way to go about it. Skipping out on your annual checkup can mean you're risking your heart health and overall health too. You need to fix this and visit your doctor regularly to get a body checkup done.

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12/31You’re taking too much Aspirin

You’re taking too much Aspirin

If you're thinking that aspirin is a harmless over-the-counter drug, you are absolutely wrong. It can actually cause deadly complications in some people. While this tablet can help in preventing a heart attack by thinning the blood, it can cause unwanted side effects of bleeding in your brain or heart.

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13/31You have high blood pressure

You have high blood pressure

High blood pressure is called as a silent killer as it doesn't really show any obvious symptoms. Hypertension is when the force of blood is consistently very high which if left unattended can lead to damaged circulatory system, heart attack or stroke.

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14/31You aren't exercising enough

You aren't exercising enough

We all have days when we feel like skipping the gym or our daily workout. It's all fine unless you turn into a couch potato and choose to stay in bed instead of picking any other activity for your body to keep moving and remain energetic. Being lethargic and lazy can lead to heart diseases and also high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity.

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15/31Your eyes are turning white

Your eyes are turning white

Noticing a white or gray ring around your iris it can indicate high cholesterol. And if you've not hit 30 yet and still see this, it can be a thing to worry. Whitening in the cornea for younger people can increase the risk of heart attack. Make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible and get this checked.

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16/31You're suffering from anemia

You're suffering from anemia

You might be feeling exhausted for most part of the day and that could be because you have anemia. This condition can develop when your blood doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells. These cells carry oxygen and so you when you don't have enough red blood cells your body doesn't get enough oxygen which in turn troubles your bodily functions. This might give you irregular heartbeat as could later lead to an enlarged heart or heart failure. This is why it is advised to eat more leafy greens which have high levels of iron. You can even take iron supplements.

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17/31You're very serious all the time

You're very serious all the time

It's always good to have a good laugh sometimes. Laughter is linked to chemical changes in our body that in turn helps in reducing stress and increases pain tolerance. People who have a good sense of humor have 73% lower risk of a heart disease. So if you're too serious all the time, you might have a heart problem sooner or later. Have a good laugh whenever you can instead of letting the worldly problems weigh you down all the time.

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18/31You're consuming too much sugar

You're consuming too much sugar

You need to understand the fact that even if you're a healthy eater, there will be times when you get a sugar rush and you end up consuming a lot of it. This can risk you to heart diseases. People who consume more than 25% of their calorie as sugar have double the risk of a death through heart disease. Added sugars harm more whereas naturally occurring sugars like lactose and fructose are safer.

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19/31You don't eat your veggies

You don't eat your veggies

We're always told by our elders to eat vegetables ever since our childhood as they're very healthy and needed for our overall growth. But some of us still don't manage to eat as many veggies and that can get you in trouble over the period of time. 3 cups of vegetables a day can be rich in nutrients and low in calories. Also, if you consume more vegetables everyday, it lowers the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases by 31%.

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20/31You're hospitalized

You're hospitalized

Hospitals are supposed to better you from whatever illness you're down with. But laying on the bed all the time without moving regularly can actually risk for deep vein thrombosis. This is when a blood clot forms in a deep vein which is usually in your leg. When this clot breaks and travels all the way to your lungs, it can be a life threatening condition referred as pulmonary embolism. The symptoms of this includes leg pain, tenderness, swelling and red streaks on the skin.

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