01/8These DIYs will make your eyebrows thicker and darker naturally

These DIYs will make your eyebrows thicker and darker naturally

Your eyebrows frame your face. So in case you have sparse, light, barely there eyebrows – we feel your pain. It’s a task finding the right kind eyebrow makeup products and takes more than a few minutes to perfect natural looking eyebrows. If you’re tired of grooming your brows everyday as much as we are, here are a few homemade remedies that will multiply your brow hair, making them darker, thicker and bushier (in a good way!) Read on to know what they are!


02/8Castor oil

Castor oil

Castor oil is rich in proteins, fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins which can all play a huge role in nourishing your hair follicles. Take a few drops of castor oil and then massage them on to your eyebrows using your fingertips. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then wipe it off with a makeup remover. Rinse your face with water afterwards.


03/8Olive oil

Olive oil

Olive oil can also work wonders in making your brows thicker. It contains Vitamin A which stimulates the production of sebum and Vitamin E which nourishes the hair strands. Take a few drops of olive oil and massage it onto your eyebrows. Leave it on for a few hours and then rinse it off with water.


04/8Egg yolk

Egg yolk

We already know that eggs have multiple health benefits for us. They also contain a protein called keratin which promotes hair growth. Take an egg, separate the yolk from the whites and beat it until it forms a consistency. Take a Q-tip or a brush and apply the yolk to your eyebrows. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.


05/8Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly is one of the most versatile tub or jar you can find in anyone’s cabinet. Its intense moisturising properties nourishes the eyebrow bed and promotes new growth. All you have to do is apply a tiny scoop of the jelly to the brows before you sleep and wash it off in the morning!


06/8Vitamin E capsule

Vitamin E capsule

Vitamin E oil promotes hair growth and strengthens fragile hair. It contains tocotrienol, an antioxidant, and helps reduce any stress that may be restricting your hair growth. All you have to do is massage for a few minutes and leave it on overnight.


07/8Onion juice

Onion juice

Onions are a rich source of sulfur, which prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth. For this, make a paste of chopped onions by blending in the blender. Strain this to get the juice. Using a Q-tip, apply the juice to your eyebrows. Keep it on for an hour. Wipe it off with a cotton ball soaked in diluted lemon juice.


08/8Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains a compound named aloenin that promotes hair growth. To make use of its goodness for your brows, peel off the outer leaf of the aloe and scoop the gel out. Massage the gel into your eyebrows till it gets absorbed. Store the rest in the refrigerator. Keep it on for at least 30 minutes.
