Working out is great and following a diet is even better. But there's always a time to do things. And it is said that when people do things at the right time will they benefit from it even more. Like it's said you shouldn't be eating late meals, it is also quite necessary to follow a time to exercise if you want best results for your body. And this is also found by a new study that mornings give the best result of a workout.
Published in the Journal 'Cell Metabolism', the study says that daily timing of a workout is also a critical variable for metabolic benefits. The study conducted on mice found out some changes in the metabolism which took place while exercising in the early rest phase i.e. evening or the early active phase i.e. morning.
Said professor Paolo Sassone-Corsi, "Using mice, we compared the impact of exercise on the skeletal muscle metabolism at different times of the day. We discovered that exercising at the correct time of day - around mid-morning - results in more oxygen in the cells and a more rejuvenating effect on the body."
Even the time of food intake mattered, although it was unclear if the effects of exercise on energy metabolism were limited to unique time windows, believed researchers.
Said Sassone-Corsi, "Exercise stimulates metabolism, leading to the improvement of metabolic health. While the metabolic benefits from exercise have been extensively uncovered, the question of when it is appropriate to exercise has remained virtually unexplored." He also continued to say, "Our results clearly indicate that time-of-day is a critical factor to amplify the beneficial impact of exercise on both metabolic pathways within skeletal muscle and systemic energy homeostasis."