01/13Benefits of adding sprouts to your diet

Benefits of adding sprouts to your diet

Wasn't it fascinating to watch your mum soak sprouts overnight and see them sprout little roots in the morning? Well, while it might have been like a fun experiment for you to do back then, we're sure that your mum must have also told you that sprouts have various health benefits. Be it your skin, your hair or even your health, sprouts contain multiple benefits and can prove to be of great nutritional value. And they also make for the perfect evening snack, so those of you who are weight conscious can eat sprouts without worrying about putting on extra kilos. Here are some amazing health benefits you'll get if you add sprouts to your diet. Take a look-see.


02/13Helps in healthy hair growth

Helps in healthy hair growth

Sprouts have a rich source of Vitamin A which is known to stimulate hair follicles and can boost hair growth. In fact, Vitamin A can also help add volume to your locks. When your body starts losing out on Vitamin A, you'll notice your hair becoming brittle and weak. Sprouts can help out with that.


03/13Keeps dandruff away

Keeps dandruff away

Sprouts contain a compound known has selenium which can not only help combat fungal infections but can also get rid of dandruff and other scalp problems. It helps the scalp produce natural oils that can stimulate hair growth and can keep the scalp healthy.


04/13Rich source of proteins

Rich source of proteins

If you're a vegetarian or a vegan then including sprouts in your diet is a great way of adding some much-needed proteins to your diet. These proteins can work wonders in building your immunity and can help prevent infections.


05/13Chemical-free food

Chemical-free food

Unless you buy all your fruits and veggies from organic farms you can't say with certainty that the products you buy aren't laced with chemicals and pesticides. The advantage of sprouts is that they can be grown locally which helps make them completely free of chemicals.


06/13May prevent premature ageing

May prevent premature ageing

Sprouts are said to be super high in antioxidants which can help get rid of toxins from the body and can also prevent the onset of premature ageing. Known to prevent the DNA destruction, sprouts can also help combat the free radicals that can damage cells and can thus keep your body healthy and fit.


07/13May reduce acidity

May reduce acidity

If you have a bad case of acidity, consume sprouts. This food item helps to maintain pH levels of your body by reducing acidity. You can add it to various dishes in your diet, from salads to curries.

Picture Courtesy: Google Images


08/13May improve heart health

May improve heart health

Sprouts are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain good cholesterol (HDL) levels and reduce high levels of cholesterol in blood vessels and arteries. Omega-3 fatty acids also contain anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce stress on your cardiovascular system. Picture Courtesy: Google Images


09/13May boost blood circulation

May boost blood circulation

Consuming sprouts may help to maintain red blood cell count with high amounts of iron and copper. This can help give your blood circulation a boost and supply oxygen to all the organs and cells so they can function well.

Picture Courtesy: Google Images


10/13It aids digestion

It aids digestion

Once the sprouts have sprouted, they can work wonders in aiding your digestion process. They contain abundant nutrients that can easily be absorbed by the body. So, not only will you be getting some much-needed nutrition, but your body will also be able to digest the sprouts easily.
