01/5Want a no-drama work from home situation with your partner? Keep these tips in mind

Want a no-drama work from home situation with your partner? Keep these tips in mind

With the lockdown constantly being extended, people have been forced to work from home continuously. And while at first, it may have seemed like a blessing in disguise, you might later have started to feel a little put-off by the fact that your partner and your work schedules don't exactly sit well together. And this can turn into a huge problem if the two of you don't know how to handle it. So, if you want to make sure that you and your partner can work together from home in a no-drama, no-nonsense environment, here are some tips that will make things a lot smoother for you. Take a look.

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02/5Sit in separate areas

Sit in separate areas

It might seem tempting to sit together at the same table and work together but the con here is that you might end up having clashes. For example, say you're a writer and your partner is in sales, you might want a quiet environment to work in whereas he may have to constantly be on calls. And this can be disrupting for the both of you. So, make sure to designate private areas and work separately and comfortably from your own area.


03/5Make some rules beforehand

Make some rules beforehand

Maybe your partner likes to pace around as they work and you can't stand the sound of footsteps dragging all over the house, or maybe you prefer to listen to some music while you work but your partner would prefer to work in silence. These things can interfere with your work and can make the situation unpleasant for you both so make sure to set some rules beforehand so that you don't end up clashing with each other later on.


04/5Take breaks together

Take breaks together

If you want to give your mind some much-needed refreshment from your work then take a break when your partner is on their break or vice-versa. It'll give you two the time to chit chat and talk about things other than work. It'll also help refresh you both so that you can continue working in peace afterwards.


05/5Let them know if you're busy

Let them know if you're busy

Sometimes we tend to linger around our partners or they do that with us when we just want to continue talking about something or doing some activity that we were doing beforehand. But if you're busy with work and you can't speak to them at that exact moment then let them know instead of getting annoyed at them. Learn to prioritise and manage your work efficiently.
