01/5These home remedies will make your cold sores disappear

These home remedies will make your cold sores disappear

Cold sores are quite painful and if we’re being honest, unsightly to look at. Cold sores are also referred to as fever blisters. They are tiny, fluid-filled blisters and usually occur in patches on or around your lips.They usually take three to four weeks to go on their own. This can be embarrassing, as they can be transmitted from one person to another by close contact like kissing. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) that is closely related to the one that causes genital herpes (HSV-2). Both these viruses can be easily spread by oral sex. To assist in faster recovery, here are some wonderful home remedies that may help.


02/5With tea tree oil

With tea tree oil

All you will need is some tea tree oil and a cotton swab. Dab some tea tree oil on the cotton swab and apply it directly to the sore. Repeat this several times during the day and before you go to sleep. Tea tree oil possesses strong antiviral properties that kill the infection-causing virus and speeds up the healing process.


03/5With ice cube

With ice cube

You will only need an ice cube for this. Hold the ice cube on the cold sore to reduce the swelling and itching. Avoid scratching it. Repeat this several times in a day. Ice can reduce the swelling and may help the cold sores heal faster.


04/5With coconut oil

With coconut oil

For this, you will need a cotton swab and some coconut oil. If you feel a cold sore developing, apply coconut oil directly on it with a cotton swab. Leave it on.You can repeat the application every hour. Coconut oil is a good antimicrobial agent. It contains triglycerides, like lauric acid and oleic acid, that can kill the virus and eliminate the cold sore quickly.


05/5With garlic

With garlic

All you will need is a small garlic clove for this! Take the garlic clove, crush it, and apply it directly to the lesion. You can also consume raw garlic on an empty stomach, early in the morning, for best results. Garlic extracts and compounds were shown to have a virucidal effect on herpes simplex virus type 1.
