11/12Clarifying Shampoo

Clarifying Shampoo

There are clarifying shampoos out there that work really well in getting rid of product build-up. Opt for shampoos without chemical contents like sulfates, silicons, and waxes. Go for natural shampoos that contain peppermint oils, tea-tree oils, lavender essential oil, charcoal, apple cider vinegar, and other natural cleansers which work really well in cleaning your hair.


12/12Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice works much like apple cider vinegar. Just mix the juice of one lemon with half a litre of water. Once you're done shampooing your hair, run this water through your hair and massage your hair from the roots to the scalp. Then rinse your hair thoroughly and use conditioner on the middle parts and ends of your hair.
