01/5Advice from your mom you definitely should keep in mind

Advice from your mom you definitely should keep in mind

Growing up we all receive tons of advice from our moms about various things that affect our lives. And being the rebellious little kids we used to be, we're sure most of us ignored what our mums had to say. But as we grow older, we begin to realise just how many of those things our mothers warned us about actually came true. It's a fact that they've lived their lives a lot longer than we have and they've had a lot more experiences than we have. And it is from these experiences that they've gained their knowledge and it is also why they warn us so that we don't make the same mistakes. So, however old you are now if your mom ever gave you these pieces of advice, we suggest you start listening to her.


02/5Keep away from that friend

Keep away from that friend

Your mom knows a toxic and fake friend when she sees them, trust us. In fact, some friends of ours are so detested by our mums that the mere suggestion of them can make her throw a fit. Well, trust us this is for a good reason. She's been through that era of having fake friends so if she says you need to stay away from someone you need to pay heed to her warning.


03/5You'll laugh about this a few years down the line

You'll laugh about this a few years down the line

How often have you done something stupid and cried about it for a week? Or how often has something bad happened to you that you think you'd never live past? And all those times didn't your mom tell you that things will be okay and that a few years down the line you'll actually laugh about such things? Well, she's absolutely right.


04/5Save some money

Save some money

Most of us hardly think about saving up when we end up with a decent paying job. But throughout this, our mums keep telling us to save some money as it can come to our rescue on a rainy day. Well, if only we paid more attention to what she says we wouldn't be going broke in the middle of the month now would we?


05/5Have patience and show kindness

Have patience and show kindness

As children, we're often told to be kind to others and to have patience. This is something that you need to remember as you grow up too. Most of us tend to get hot-headed when things don't go our way, without looking at all the factors involved. So, trust your mom when she tells you to stay calm because it can go a long way.
