These online hacks will help you buy things for cheap!
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Last updated on - Mar 20, 2020, 11:48 IST01/5Want to buy stuff online? These hacks will help you get good rates!
While the Internet may be blamed for ruining routines and schedules, if there's one good thing that has come out of it, it has to be online shopping! You'd be lying if you said you weren't tempted to scroll through the plethora of options online shopping has to offer. And what really is best is that you don't even have to step out of your house to do any shopping; it all comes home to you! But of course, the rates can be a bother. Well, worry not! Here are a few hacks that will ensure that you get things for cheap when you opt for online shopping.
02/5Reward points to the rescue!
A lot of online shopping sites and apps offer reward points for certain things like purchases, recommendations and reviews. So, make sure to keep a check on these and collect as many reward points as possible since these can, later on, be converted into cash discounts!
03/5Get first-time discounts
If you have multiple mail IDs then this hack will work wonders for you. Most online shopping sites offer heavy discounts to first-time users so as to encourage them to visit the sites again. So, keep using multiple IDs and you'll keep getting multiple discounts.
04/5Keep a tab on free shipping
Unfortunately, most shopping sites don't offer free shipping but every once in a while they make an exception on that. So, subscribe to these sites and keep your cart ready. Whenever you get a notification for free shipping, place your order and you're good to go.
05/5Know about promotional codes
Online shopping sites often have different sales going on for which they offer promotional codes and discounts. Keep a tab on these codes and discounts so you'll know what to apply where. It'll at least help you save somewhere between Rs200 - Rs500.