The ultimate DIY nail care guide using surprising household items
Last updated on - Apr 17, 2020, 18:30 ISTShare fbsharetwsharepinshare
Save yourself a trip to the nail salon and brighten yellowed nails with a squeeze of lemon. Marton suggests making a paste with a tablespoon of lemon juice and three tablespoons of baking soda. Spread it on your nails and let them soak for 15 minutes. Rinse and reveal brighter, whiter nails.
02/4Bath oil
Heat 1/2 cup bath oil mixed with 1/2 cup water in your microwave for 30 seconds, recommends celebrity manicurist Erica Marton. Place the solution in a deep bowl and soak your fingers or toes in it for 10-15 minutes to soften cuticles or calluses. After drying, use a pumice stone to smooth over calluses or a file to push down cuticles. Follow up by rubbing in hand cream until fully absorbed.
03/4Empty prescription bottles
Create a small, spill-proof carry case for nail polish remover by tucking a small piece of sponge into an empty prescription bottle. Saturate the sponge with polish remover and snap on the lid. For an emergency repair or a quick method to remove polish, simply insert a finger and rub the nail against the fluid-soaked sponge and twist.
04/4Petroleum jelly
The multi-tasking balm is also a potent cuticle softener. Petroleum jelly can help maintain healthy nails by keeping your skin hydrated and preventing cracking and peeling. Dab a thin layer along the base of your nails and along the edges. Marton warns, however, that you want to avoid doing this right before a manicure because the petroleum jelly will prevent the polish from adhering to the nail beds.