Stupid things you should absolutely AVOID doing after a break-up!
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Last updated on - Apr 29, 2019, 11:37 IST01/5Just broke up with your boyfriend? Here's what you should NOT do
Yes, we know what you're going through now that you and your BF are officially over. You've been sobbing and eating tons of ice-cream while watching stupid rom-coms on your laptop. And while we each have our own ways of dealing with a break-up, it's best not to do certain things that would classify as stupid. Take some time off from work, go for a trip if you want or go live with a friend for a while to take things off of your mind. The best revenge is one where you come back a stronger, happier woman. So, if you're planning on doing one of the things we're about to mention, maybe you should just drop that idea and try something that we've mentioned above instead. Take a look.
02/5Don't drown yourself in drinks
Drowning in alcohol is not the solution to your problems ladies! Don't gulp down shot after shot at a pub and then go throw up somewhere and feel nasty about it in the morning. Not to mention the hangover you'll have will just make things worse for you. Sure if you want to grab a drink to cool off a little that's just fine. But make sure that you don't end up drinking like a fish.
03/5Don't sleep with some random guy
Yes, we know that you're longing for your partner to be there with you, for you. But just because there's a void in your heart doesn't mean a random hookup will help you fill it up. So, don't go swiping right on Tinder or go kiss that weird colleague of yours. The last thing you need is to hookup with random people. Instead, give yourself some much needed single time and go do the things you actually want to do.
04/5Don't give up on self-care
Yes, he's not around to tell you that you look pretty AF in that cute little dress but that doesn't mean you should stop wearing the things that make you feel good or stop putting on makeup because who else would care how you look. You should care about how you look! A breakup is no reason for you to end up looking like a gorilla. The better you look, the better you'll feel. Trust us.
05/5Give Instagram a rest
Don't, we repeat, do not go to his Instagram every two minutes to see if he's put up stuff on his social media handles. Don't turn yourself into a nasty version of some obsessive stalker. You have a life and you have better things to do than to stalk someone online. And if you're finding it too hard to control yourself, delete him from your friend lists. Out of sight, out of mind, really does work.