01/6Ask these questions to a recruiter when you head for a job interview

Ask these questions to a recruiter when you head for a job interview

We're often told to be prepared when we go in for interviews and that we should answer all the questions that are asked to us. But what most people forget is that it is equally important to ask the right questions to the recruiter. These questions will not only show the recruiters that you're willing to invest time in the position, but it'll also help you figure out whether the role truly is meant for you or not and whether you want to be a part of the organisation. So, the next time you head for a job interview, keep these questions in mind.


02/6What are the main characteristics the employer is looking for?

What are the main characteristics the employer is looking for?

The recruiter may have spoken to the employer at length about what the employer needs from a prospective employee, however, the recruiter might just tell you what the basic requirements are. This is why you should ask them what specifically the employers are looking for so that you can determine whether you fit the role or not. This will end up saving your time as well as the employer's time.


03/6How long has the position been open?

How long has the position been open?

This question holds great importance. If the position has been open for long then it shows that the employer is picky about who should fill in the position. Whereas if the position has just opened up then that means they're willing to look at several candidates to figure out which one will suit their needs the best.


04/6What do you know about the hiring manager?

What do you know about the hiring manager?

Chances are that the hiring manager is going to be your boss which is why you should try to find out as much information about them as you can. While the recruiter won't tell you anything bad about the hiring manager, they will tell you what kind of relationship the manager shares with the company which can help prepare you for your interview with the manager.


05/6Why is this position open?

Why is this position open?

Not just how long but even why the position is open is one question you should definitely ask your manager. So, if it turns out that the previous employee got a promotion, it could show that the company is a good place to help your career grow. On the other hand, if the person left on a bad note that might be a red flag.


06/6What are the steps in the interview process?

What are the steps in the interview process?

It's always best to get an idea of what steps are a part of the interview process. Not only will this give you an idea of what to expect in the future but it'll also help you get prepared for your role if you choose to invest the time in the interview process. You could even ask them why the process is long if you think there are too many steps.
