Feeling dizziness frequently? Here are all the possible causes behind it
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Last updated on - May 6, 2020, 18:00 IST01/5You should be aware of these underlying medical conditions
Feeling dizziness in the middle of the day is commonest among adults that most tend to overlook. Suddenly hit by a woozy feeling is more serious than just an outcome of skipping a meal. It’s a clear sign of weakness in the body. Frequent feeling off-balanced can be a stuble hint towards some underlying medical conditions that require immediate attention. Don’t believe us? Here’s what it actually be telling you about your health.
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02/5Deficiency of vitamin B-12
You can experience dizziness if your body has a deficiency of vitamin B-12. This can lead to anemia, weakening of immune system, gastritis and even cause colon disorders.
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Not only physical health, but dizziness can also be a sign of mental health in danger. Feeling off-balanced can be due to developing anxiety which can cause panic attacks in the future.
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Dizziness is one of the prominent signs of migraine experienced by most people at its early stage. This increases in time if not treated.
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05/5Heart attack
If you're experiencing lightheadedness along with chest pain, shortness of breath, body pain and stiffness then it could mean a heart attack or stroke.
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