01/6Eat those scrumptious apples and your health will benefit a lot

Eat those scrumptious apples and your health will benefit a lot

We've all heard of 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' and we also understand that it's very true. As children, we thought our parents only said that because they wanted us to eat health. As we grew up, we understood a little better only to know that it keeps us healthy and makes us take lesser trips at the doctor's. But only now, we're going to know the real reasons why the saying stands true. To begin with, apples are low in calories and very rich in fibre, vitamin A, C and K. They contain potassium and antioxidants as well. Apart from this, they give a lot of health benefits too and this article is going to talk about just that.


02/6May reduce risk of diabetes

May reduce risk of diabetes

Diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, is becoming a growing health issue across the globe. Researchers have found that by consuming apples regularly, you can reduce your risk of developing the medical condition. One study found consuming just one apple a day can lower your risk by almost 28 per cent. The reason for this may be because of the fruit's high content of polyphenol antioxidant, which helps to prevent damage caused to beta cells in your pancreas. Many people who suffer from type 2 diabetes have been found to have beta cells, which produces insulin.


03/6Manages weight

Manages weight

Again, as apples are rich in fibres, they can leave you feeling fuller for a longer time. This helps in preventing eating too much in a day and also can manage weight better, which means you can actually lose weight by eating apples.


04/6Keeps your heart healthy

Keeps your heart healthy

Since apples are rich in fibres, they help in supporting digestive as well as cardiovascular health. The soluble fibre in apples protect the health of the heart by lowering the cholesterol levels.


05/6Helps fight asthma

Helps fight asthma

Eating apples makes you breathe better. Study says that people who eat apples have a lower risk of asthma.


06/6Has anti-cancer properties

Has anti-cancer properties

Dietary fibers present in apples can help cancer patients. An apple peel can kill off cancer cells thus keeping the disease away.
