Ways in which you are giving other people too much power over you!
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Last updated on - Jul 8, 2018, 08:45 IST01/6Anytime you allow someone else to have a negative influence over the way you feel, you give them power over your life
It’s something we do all the time. Whether you’re having a bad day at work or you let your friend’s criticism spoil the way you feel, you are allowing people and their negative actions to have power over your life. Not sure what we’re talking about? Here are ways in which you might be giving away your personal power without even realising.
02/6You give in to guilt trips
If you are letting people emotionally blackmail and manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do, you are letting them have way too much of a hold on you and that’s not right!
03/6You don’t know how to establish boundaries
YOU get to choose what you want to do and what you want to say and if you’re not comfortable with something, voice it! It’s important to establish not just physical boundaries with certain people but emotional and mental ones too, so as to block out what you don’t need in life.
04/6You can’t stop complaining
It’s okay to feel a little pity for yourself sometimes, but not always. You aren't forced to go to work, see a friend, or attend a family gathering. There will be consequences if you don't do some of those things, but they're still all your choices to make.
05/6You hold grudges
Sometimes, your biggest enemy is you! Holding on to anger from the past allows an individual to occupy space in your life and mind. Hence, YOU need to let go of bygones once in a while and don’t waste your mental resources on things and people you don’t need in your life.
06/6Practice forgiveness
Forgiving someone is the best way to take back power. However, remember that forgiving someone doesn’t always mean that you are saying what the person did was okay. It simply means that you are choosing to let go of your anger that is interfering with your ability to enjoy life. We’re all dealing with much already! Who needs more drama, right?