01/5These tips will help you opt for a semi-digital detox

These tips will help you opt for a semi-digital detox

We're all addicted to technology in one way or the other. We're either glued to our phone screens all day long or can't do without our laptops to stare at. While it's understood that most of us require technology for our work, the problem arises when you realise that you can't go ten minutes without scrolling through social media handles on your phone or checking your mail or obsessing over some cat photo. These are all signs that you need a digital detox. But of course, it's understood that you can't go offline completely. So, here are tips that will help you opt for a semi-digital detox.


02/5Take all the quiet in

Take all the quiet in

Going off social media for a bit can be overwhelming because you're so used to notification and pictures and memes, of course! But you don't have to post a picture of every meal you take, you don't have to take a video of every event you attend and you certainly don't need to be on your phone to make some amazing memories. Just enjoy the moments and the peace that you get without technology; at least, for a little while.


03/5Apps can help

Apps can help

We know that opting for a digital detox is a lot easier said than done, so to begin with you can use technology to help you out. Wondering how? Just opt for some apps that can help you get your detox without having to go completely off the grid. There are apps that limit the time you use on your phone or lock you out of your phone for a while if you use it too much.


04/5Opt for some exercise

Opt for some exercise

There's nothing that a good run through a park can't fix. Trust us when we say, spending time in nature is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Just put your phone aside and opt for some stretches or workouts in your local park. Even one hour worth of peace will work wonders for you.


05/5Bond with people

Bond with people

No, not on Facebook, not on Instagram or any other social media site or dating site. We mean that you need to actually go out and meet people and bond with them. Spend some time talking to them and you'll end up with so many good memories. All you need to do is keep your phone in your bag and focus on your surroundings. Take in all the sights, sounds and smells and you'll feel so much better.
