Tonics to help reduce stress and anxiety
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Last updated on - Jun 26, 2019, 13:39 IST01/8Try these tonics when you feel really stressed
Sometimes, it feels like there isn't enough coffee in the world to give our energy a boost. You may be having a hard time treating all your stress and anxiety, which can make you feel constantly exhausted and tired. Luckily, there are other solutions when coffee and your night time tea just won't do the trick. Best of all you can find these powerful ingredients in your kitchen. Here are natural tonics that can help give your energy a boost and make you feel calm.
02/8Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is known to control blood sugar, can help maintain energy levels and can even promote overall health. Mix some apple cider vinegar into cold or warm water and you'll end up with apple cider vinegar tonic. Consume only in small amounts.
Turmeric is famous for its serotonin boosting properties. It also works as an antidepressant and may help relieve anxiety and depression. You'll need 2 cups coconut water, 2 tbsp grated fresh turmeric (or 1/2 to 1 tsp dried turmeric powder), 1 tbsp grated fresh ginger, juice from 1 lemon or orange, 1 medium carrot, 1 tbsp raw honey or real maple syrup, pinch of black pepper, Optional: a pinch of cayenne or cinnamon. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and your tonic is ready.
Ashwagandha is known to have multiple health benefits like reducing stress levels in the body, preventing fatigue and even reducing anxiety levels. Take 1 cup + 2 tablespoons water, 2 heaped tablespoons raw macadamia nuts, 1 Medjool date or a teaspoon of raw Manuka honey, ¼ - ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder, 2 pinches of nutmeg powder, 2 pinches of clove powder, Pinch of fine sea salt, 1/3 – ½ vanilla bean, 1 teaspoon ashwagandha root powder. Mix in the blender and your tonic is good to go.
Ginger not only helps fight stress, but it can also help improve cognitive function. It is packed with 14 unique bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties. Ginger is especially beneficial in combating damage due to oxidative stress. Use fresh ginger to make your tonic.
Maca root has become a popular health trend because it has been found to have many health benefits. Boost energy, improve mood, and reduce blood pressure, as well as depression symptoms are just some of the benefits you can expect from maca. You can consume it daily in a smoothie or coffee. One study found maca can significantly improve one's mood in a matter of weeks.
Reishi mushrooms are one of the most popular ingredients used to help de-stress. It contains triterpene, a compound that has calming qualities and antidepressant properties.Some of the benefits you can expect are good sleep and a calm mind. You can brew a cup of this healing tonic by adding a tablespoon of reishi powder in water.
Want to relax? Consume matcha. It contains properties like flavonoids and L-theanine that can help put you in a relaxed state of mind. It is also a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, and vital nutrients. Studies have found matcha can also help improve one's mood and give your energy a boost. Brew a cup of matcha tea and test its effectiveness for yourself.