Tips on how to wash your dishes neatly with your hands
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Last updated on - Apr 3, 2020, 12:42 IST01/5Easy tips to follow while hand washing the dishes
Not every family is blessed with dishwashers and not everyone likes to do the dishes. But since all of us are stuck at home and have to go back to doing the basics, we must do our best at least. Hand washing dishes isn't just using soap, cleaning the dish in a few seconds and rinsing it off with water. There's a lot to understand about the process as well as about the things to use while you begin hand washing the dishes. Right from the sponge to sink strainer, we're here to guide you through it all. Make sure you're using this time right and doing your dishes all too well. If you follow these steps, doing dishes will never be a disliked task for the day.
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02/5Change the sponge every few weeks
You need to change the sponge every few weeks to ensure your dishes are cleaned the right way. Using the same sponge for more days than recommended is very unhygenic and doesn't clean your dishes well.
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03/5Use a sink strainer
The most important part of hand washing your dishes is to make sure you have a sink strainer. Make proper use of it each time you put your dirty dishes in the sink as there are chances that the leftover food crumbs might fall in the sink and clog the pipe. Hence, it's always better to use a strainer so that you can throw away the food crumbs in the dustbin later.
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04/5Don't let food sit on the dishes
Always make sure that you wet the dishes before putting them in the sink. Don't let food sit on the used dishes at it can very much be a home for bacteria to breed and also a good reason for cockroaches and other insects to accumulate in that corner of the kitchen.
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05/5Don't let dishes pile up
Every time you eat something or have lunches and dinners, make sure to do the dishes once you finish that meal. If you let dishes pile up, it will only become an added stress later and it is also not at all hygienic to the surroundings. Your kitchen is a space that should remain neat and clean at all times.
Photo credits: Google images