01/5Here's how you can avoid hydrogenated oil

Here's how you can avoid hydrogenated oil

Hydrogenated oil was originally used by food manufacturers to make their products last longer. Hydrogen is added to unsaturated fat to make it a solid fat. This process is known as hydrogenation in which trans fats are eventually made. Excessive amounts of hydrogenated oil on the body can damage the heart and raise cholesterol levels. Foods like margarine, packaged snacks, coffee creamers, fried foods and baked goods may contain hydrogenated oils. Here are a few ways you can stay clear of hydrogenated oils.


02/5Check food labels

Check food labels

Food products that contain partially hydrogenated oil can also contain trans fast. That is why the best thing you can do for your health is to avoid these kinds of products. A company can label a food product as free of trans fats even when it contains some amount of it, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). When you read the label, check to see if one of the ingredients listed is hydrogenated oil.


03/5Reduce your intake of packaged foods

Reduce your intake of packaged foods

Packaged foods may seem like the easy choice if you are always on-the-go. While it is ok to consume these foods in moderation, try and limit your intake of foods that come out of a package. Foods that contain preservatives are likely to contain partially hydrogenated oils. Cook with fresh ingredients as often as you can.


04/5Opt for healthy snacks

Opt for healthy snacks

Most people reach out for packaged foods when they are looking to snack on something. Instead of munching on food that may contain ingredients that are not beneficial to your health, try making your snacks. Bananas, carrots, nuts and pure yoghurt can be healthy options you can try.


05/5Cook with vegetable oils

Cook with vegetable oils

Cooking with vegetable oils like avocado, olive and safflower can help to improve your heart health. A 2011 study found that cooking with safflower oil helped to reduce blood glucose levels in participants. It also helped to reduce inflammation. If you really want to cut down on how much fat you consume, you could consider other cooking methods like baking and broiling instead of pan-fried.
