01/8Heartbreak makes you grow into a better human, one lesson at a time

Heartbreak makes you grow into a better human, one lesson at a time

Every person goes through life changing events and one of which is the first heartbreak. Of course, every heartbreak counts and it all teaches you different things. But when it comes to your firsts, you're mostly clueless about a lot of things and you only learn new things, physically, emotionally and mentally once you go through all of it. You might weep in pain or listen to sad songs on repeat and even irritate the hell out of your friend by saying the same stories over and over again, but eventually you heal. You get better and also find love another time. The first heartbreak sure makes you feel like it's the end of the world. But in actual, it is just the beginning of a lot many greater things that you didn't know you could feel. This is why, first heartbreak teaches you many lessons all of which are exceptionally important. We've listed a few of them here.


02/8Life is quite hard to predict

Life is quite hard to predict

Life always has its own surprises planned for you just when you think everything is either goes fantastically well or terribly wrong. It's always like that and you only realise it even more when you experience the first heartbreak.


03/8You don't get a satisfactory answer sometimes

You don't get a satisfactory answer sometimes

You two must have had an intensive conversation before you both decided to breakup. But even while you're sobbing yourself every single night after the breakup, there will be more and more questions that will come to your mind which you'll never find answers to. Why? Because you don't have the energy and strength to talk to the person all over again about the same thing and still get unsatisfactory answers.


04/8Emotional pain is quite legit

Emotional pain is quite legit

Till the first heartbreak, you were only aware of how it hurts physically and how you heal from it. But once your heart is broken for the first time, you realise how difficult it is emotionally to go through all of it and even get through it all.


05/8You're stronger than this

You're stronger than this

Once you've grown past all the phases of being in denial of the breakup to accepting it, getting used to being single again and finally being comfortable with the first heartbreak, it makes you feel that you're much stronger now. Because before this life changing event, you'd have never thought you could be this strong enough to survive a heartbreak with all the crying and missing and growing. But you do. And you're much beautiful and stronger and determined to choose a better person to love next.


06/8It's normal to cry it out

It's normal to cry it out

You stop yourself from feeling too much and making a scene in front of people by crying. But there's absolutely no need to do that. You should know that it's you who's feeling it and you should be more important to yourself than any other people around you. If you're feeling it, cry it out and get done with it. Because if you get into the phase where you don't express enough, it'll all choke you inside and you might slip into depression. Crying it out helps. Do it and get done with it.


07/8Nights are a real challenge

Nights are a real challenge

After your first heartbreak, getting through a day is still easier than the nights. Because you're always occupied with work and manage to keep yourself busy with some or the other work. But during nights, it all comes back. The memories, the feelings, the tears and all of it at once. But eventually you'll get through all of it just fine. Because if it isn't fine in the end, it isn't the end yet.


08/8You start loving yourself even more

You start loving yourself even more

Once you've let yourself feel all of it fully and gotten over all of it, you'll realise how important you are to yourself. You start prioritizing your own self and pampering yourself to good things in life. Even if it's just going out to grab a bite or watch a movie, you'd do it all alone and still love it. There's no more sulking and hating the loneliness and living in the past. You're now, genuinely happy and in love with yourself.
