Signs that your go-to bra is of the wrong size
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Last updated on - Jan 25, 2019, 10:15 IST01/5Are you wearing the wrong bra size? Find out!
Did you know that according to a survey by a bra company found that a whopping 80% of the women are wearing ill-fitting or wrong sized bras! One would think that an undergarment that we’ve been wearing ever since puberty hit us for everyday. One would think we should know the right size of the one undergarment we have been wearing every day of lives (Ever since puberty hit us!) Naturally, personal assistance while shopping for a bra is recommended. (online shopping comes only after you know your right size!) For now, here are some tell-tale signs that you may be wearing the wrong sized bra. Read on to find what they are.
02/5Scornful straps
Yes, bra straps hold the undergarment on our back and hence a certain amount of fit is expected. But they also need to lay flat, comfortably on the shoulders. So if you’re a wearing bra that’s so tight that its straps are digging into your shoulder, first of all, adjust the strap size. If that doesn’t work either, you’ve picked the wrong size!
03/5Too much skin
A side boob situation may still be pardonable (no, it won’t be!) but if you have a tiny boob coming out of the either side of your arms, and then some more from cleavage area, you know you’ve outgrown that bra. There’s no way to salvage it. Go, buy yourself a new bra!
Alright, so your bra fits well, or at least you think so – but only till the moment you lift your arms up. Your hand goes up and boob pops out of the bra. Of course those two things mean you’re wearing an ill-fitting bra. So instead of shying from lifting your arms in the public completely, it makes more sense to invest in a good-fitting bra.
05/5Feel it up
So you’ve done everything by the rulebook. But after you tried it up, it doesn’t feel right. So why buy it? Your bra’s main function at the end of the day is to support your breasts while boosting you with confidence. So if your new bra makes you look and feel like an Instagram model, you’ve finally found the right now. If it feels amiss, it’s because it probably is. Keep the search on.