01/5Wondering if those arguments you're having with bae are turning toxic? These signs will help

Wondering if those arguments you're having with bae are turning toxic? These signs will help

Arguments are a part and parcel of relationships. In fact, it's pretty normal to have some healthy arguments every once in a while. Just because you're dating someone doesn't mean you need to agree with everything they have to say to you or vice versa. So, yes if you argue with your bae for insignificant things every once in a while, that's fine. But if you've suddenly started to realise that your arguments are increasing and that you can't help but try to avoid them, then maybe it's time you should start spotting some red flags. Here are some signs that will help you identify whether your arguments with your boyfriend have started to turn toxic.


02/5You can't get the argument out of your head

You can't get the argument out of your head

When you have an argument with someone, it's best to try and resolve it then and there. It's best for the two of you to reach a conclusion to which you both agree. On the contrary, if you find yourself constantly thinking about the argument, then you probably need to talk things out and sort through them.


03/5You've started enjoying the arguments

You've started enjoying the arguments

Nobody actually likes to have an argument with someone they love. It can cause great displeasure and can make you feel awful. But instead, if you feel like you've started to enjoy these pointless arguments you have, merely because it gives you a chance to put your partner down, then you clearly need to evaluate this toxic trait.


04/5You start arguing anywhere

You start arguing anywhere

This is not acceptable. Even if you two have some issues you cannot bring them out wherever you want. If you start arguing in front of your family and friends then it's evident that your argument has turned into a full-fledged fight and this also means that you are unable to resolve your issues.


05/5You've started arguing on social media

You've started arguing on social media

Say your partner put up a post on social media and instead of encouraging him you've passed an unwanted comment. This will naturally get a remark from him as well and before you know it, the two of you start bickering even on social media. Under no circumstances is this going to be healthy for you. So, make sure that you try to keep your calm and don't display your anger all over social media.
