Pick on these signs to know that you need a job change
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Last updated on - Jun 1, 2020, 12:55 IST01/5Signs you need to change your job immediately
If you have a 9-5 job and you aren't feeling motivated some days to work well, it is normal. It could mean you need a break and once you get it, you will be back to business. But if you start to feel demotivated every single day and if you find yourself stressed and annoyed at most times, it could definitely mean you need a job change. Your career is a very important part of your life and it is entirely in your hands to carve it the way you want. If there's no job satisfaction where you work, it is meaningless to work in such an environment at all. There are a few signs which could help you decide whether you need a change in job or no.
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02/5You hate going to work
Every morning you wake up with a negative thought that you'll have to go to work. You absolutely start to hate going to work. You only keep waiting for the week to end so that you don't have to face your work or work colleagues. You should consider a job change if you start to feel this negative.
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03/5You're not motivated to do the job
You get to work but you don't feel motivated enough to do your job efficiently. You don't even want to get started with it every single day. Just the thought of all the pending work and deadlines demotivates you. If so, you need to find yourself another one and quit the current one.
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04/5You're complaining way too much
Getting burnt out and wanting to rant about your work stress some or the other time is okay. But have you been complaining about work a lot lately? Do you just find ways to talk negative things about your job? If yes, you need to consider another job. Because this is not how it should be.
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05/5You're doubting your skills
Have you started doubting your skills at your job? Something that you knew you could do very well is now making you doubt yourself at it. You might constantly keep thinking negatively about it. This shouldn't be the case. Your skills should enhance your potentiality, not make you question about them.
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