Improve brain health with these superfoods
Last updated on - Sep 20, 2019, 12:22 ISTShare fbsharetwsharepinshare
11/14Coconut oil
Excess weight has a strong impact on cognitive function in a negative way. That is why consuming the right foods can help tackle both these issues. Coconut oil is one of those items that could be the solution as it is loaded with medium-chain fatty acids. A 2008 study found medium-chain fatty acids can help reduce metabolic syndrome symptoms. It could also have immense benefits for the brain.
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12/14Green tea
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that can boost brain function. It is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet and has a powerful effect on the body in numerous ways. More importantly, it has significantly less caffeine compared to coffee. You can consume it before you go to bed or first thing in the morning.
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13/14Dark leafy green vegetables
Dark leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale are rich sources of iron and phytonutrients. They also do not contain any oxalates that may disrupt absorption. Kale also contains folate, and vitamin B6, which is required to make brain molecules like serotonin and dopamine. Make sure to consume these leafy greens regularly to improve the health of your brain.
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14/14Raw almonds
Raw almonds contain a lot of vitamin E that can significantly reduce cognitive decline. These nuts are popularly known as "brain food" because of its benefits. A good of amount of vitamin E in your system can also make you more alert and help you remember things for longer. Almonds also containa B2, which works to convert food to energy your body can use. Picture Courtesy: Google Images