Here's how to fix imbalances that cause a lot of pain
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Last updated on - May 28, 2019, 15:38 IST01/5Tips to treat imbalances that cause pain when you workout
Here's what to do when it hurts when you exercise. If it hurts badly when you workout, don't push through the pain. It could be something more serious. "Pain is a medical condition and a medical issue," Brett Jones, owner of Applied Strength in Pittsburgh who is certified for the Functional Movement Screen, told a news portal. Adding, "It's a warning sign. The pain is there to tell you something's wrong." Sometimes the pain could indicate a serious health issue like cancer. However, if you have been cleared of any serious disease and are still in discomfort, the problem could be an imbalance in a different area of the body. Targeting the issue with the right exercise could help treat the issue. Here is what you need to do.
02/5Knee pain
If you are runner and are experiencing a lot of knee pain, it could be your hips. "The knee has two bad neighbours-the hip and the ankle," Brett Jones, owner of Applied Strength in Pittsburgh who is certified for the Functional Movement Screen, told a news portal. "They sweep all their leaves into the knee's yard. Everyone blames the knee, but it's the neighbours." The fix: Lie on your back and strap a belt around one foot. Stretch it up high. Next, lift the other leg up too and gently lower down to the floor.
03/5Lower-back pain
Feeling really tight around the lower back area? Your hips may be the problem. "If you try to do a lunge, the knee on the high side will cave in and the hip will angle inward," Aaron Brooks, a biomechanics expert and owner of Perfect Postures in Auburndale, told a news portal. The fix: Perform a hip abduction exercise to tackle this issue.You should do two sets of 20 reps at least three times a week.
The forward-leaning head pose can cause many to experience headaches frequently. "The head leans forward, the spine leans forward, and it puts unnecessary stress on the lower spine too," Robert Taylor, owner of Smarter Team Training in Baltimore, told a news portal. This could reduce blood flow to the neck and head. The fix: You need to increase the blood flow back to these regions. To do that, sit upright and hold a dumbbell in your right hand. Next, place your left hand on the butt cheek of the same side. Let your right shoulder rise toward your ear and hold this pose for a while.
05/5Neck pain and headaches
If you are experiencing headaches and neck pain, the problem could be your shoulders. "Look in the mirror and see if one shoulder is higher or lower than the other," Aaron Brooks, a biomechanics expert and owner of Perfect Postures in Auburndale, told a news portal. If one shoulder is higher than the other, you could be experiencing bursitis or tendonitis. The fix: Stand under a door and place your right forearm inside the door on the right side. Next, give your chest a good twist and stretch. You can also do a mid-back strengthening exercise along with it.