01/6Sadness can harm your body in these extreme ways

Sadness can harm your body in these extreme ways

You'll feel low on energy all the time: Sadness and grief are both very difficult emotions to deal with. When you feel sad too often, you'll notice that your energy will slowly begin to drain away. No matter what you do, you'll end up feeling tired all day long.


02/6You'll tend to slow down

You'll tend to slow down

Sadness can not just affect your mental health but your physical health too. It can cause you to feel lethargic which will make you slower in general. So even when you speak, you'll speak in a slow and sluggish manner and doing things in general will also become a task.


03/6You'll have body pain

You'll have body pain

Like we mentioned earlier, sadness is not just limited to bad mental health. When you're upset constantly, you'll eventually start suffering from regular body aches which may travel all the way up your back to your neck and then even to your head. So, remember to take things easy and calm yourself down when this happens.


04/6Your appetite will change

Your appetite will change

Often when a person is sad, their appetite changes for the worse. They'll either start eating a lot more or they'll end up hardly eating anything. And this, of course, affects their body in negative ways as they'll either put on too much weight or shed too many kilos.


05/6Your sleep cycle will get altered

Your sleep cycle will get altered

Much like your appetite might change, so will your sleep cycle. You'll either end up sleeping too much or you'll end up sleeping too little. Whatever it is, this can turn out to be extremely harmful to your body. So, try and always get a minimum of 6 hours of sleep every day.


06/6Your face will look duller

Your face will look duller

When a person is sad, it shows on their face. They'll look paler, they'll have dark circles under their eyes and their look, in general, will be unkempt. And if you look bad you'll end up feeling worse. So, whatever the situation is, try and always keep a calm mind about it so that you can avoid such scenarios.
