Vitamin D is amongst the most important vitamins our body requires. Here are a few benefits of this miracle nutrient. It helps keep eye problems at bay. An optimum amount of vitamin D levels may help keep retinal inflammation at bay. Vitamin D benefits also include lowering bad cholesterol levels. Vitamin D deficiency may cause muscle aches, which is one of the first signs of rickets. It is said that anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin D may help combat the inflammation that triggers migraines and headaches. Vitamin D can help boost weight loss too. This vitamin can suppress the storage of fat cells, further reducing fat accumulation.
Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency include- Getting sick or infected often, loss of bone density, slow healing of wounds, depression, bone or back pain, hair loss and muscle pain.
About 15 minutes of sunlight exposure thrice a week between 11 am to 3 pm is essential to load up on vitamin D. And here are a few more sources- eggs, milk, soy milk, yogurt, margarines, white butter, shiitake mushrooms, fish, cod liver oil, buttermilk. So, go on include these foods in your diet for a healthy body.