01/6Are you willing to try these bizarre desserts?

Are you willing to try these bizarre desserts?

Maple Taffy: Well, you all might already be aware of what taffy is, so you can think of this as a weird spinoff of that. This dessert is highly popular in Canada which is already famous for its amazing maple syrup. It is made by taking pure maple syrup, boiling it, and then pouring the molten syrup over clean and fresh snow. Before the liquid can set, they insert a wooden stick in it and it turns into a lollypop like dessert.


02/6Tavuk göğsü, Turkey

Tavuk göğsü, Turkey

Well, looks like the Turks didn't really get the memo that stated you cannot mix meat and sweets together. One of their famous desserts is called Tavuk Gogsu and it combines rice flour, chicken, cinnamon and sweetened milk. It tastes somewhat like sweet pudding. The chicken is mashed into fibres and pounded into powder and then added into the mixture. Would you dare try this one?




Cendol is an iced sweet dessert that contains droplets of worm-like green rice flour jelly, coconut milk and palm sugar syrup. It is commonly found in Southeast Asia and is popular in Malaysia. Next to the green jelly, additional toppings might be added, including diced jackfruit, sweetened red azuki beans, or durian. With so many ingredients, we're now a little unsure of how the final product might taste.


04/6Veriohukainen (Blood Pancakes)

Veriohukainen (Blood Pancakes)

Blodplättar, or blood pancakes (veriohukainen, verilätty or verilettu in Finnish), are a dish served in Finland, Sweden and Norway made of whipped blood and other ingredients. It is similar to black pudding, but is thinner and crispier. Pig’s blood is combined with a touch of milk, sugar, eggs, and other ingredients to make a batter. Once cooked, they are served with Lingonberry jam.


05/6Deep-Fried Chocolate Bars

Deep-Fried Chocolate Bars

If you're a fan of junk food then boy do we have the perfect dessert for you. Head on over to Scotland for their famous deep-fried chocolate bar desserts. They are made by dipping chocolate bars in batter, and are then deep fried in beef dripping, lard, or vegetable oil. While they're super unhealthy (you know why), they apparently taste amazing, so we suggest this is one bizarre dessert you should try out.


06/6Wasp Crackers

Wasp Crackers

Well, there's no denying the weirdness in this one. Although this is probably something you'd like to run away from, wasp crackers are an incredibly popular dessert in Japan. They're made from a typical rice cracker recipe, in which wasps are added to the mix; the crackers are shaped and then baked until crunchy. The wasps serve as raisins or chocolate chips would in cookies. Would you be willing to try this dessert?
