Bizarre reasons you have trouble sleeping
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Last updated on - Jul 6, 2019, 15:18 IST01/6Trouble sleeping? These unusual reasons may be why
Sometimes you think you may be doing everything right - consuming healthy foods and exercising regularly - and still find it difficult to sleep. But in this day an age, there could be many culprits that are causing you sleepless nights even if you are stress-free. Often times we unknowingly create habits that can have a huge impact on our health. Other times we may not recognise certain issues need to be addressed just to improve our sleep quality. Here are a few bizarre reasons you have trouble sleeping.
02/6You take a multivitamin pill at night
Are you taking a multivitamin pill? It may be the reason you have trouble sleeping if you take it at night. It contains vitamin B12 that helps to give your body an energy boost. That is why you feel so awake when you take it just before bed. It is best to have these pills in the morning or in the afternoon.
03/6Toothpaste may be too minty
Many experts claim the smell of peppermint is enough to give your energy a boost. So it's no surprise if you are around it at night, it can keep you awake. A UK study found participants who smelled peppermint oil in the dark felt less sleepy than those who could smell nothing.While brushing your teeth is essential for oral health, use a toothpaste that is not so minty.
04/6You're binge-watching
Unwinding for the night requires you to stay away from all your digital devices. While more and more people are becoming aware of the link between electronics and sleep deprivation, your strategies to curb this issue won't help if you don't stop binge-watching your favourite show so late in the night. Watching something funny or mindless and leave that show you're obsessed with for the weekend.
05/6Full moon
A team of researchers at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden discovered many people can lose at least 20 minutes of sleep when a full moon comes along. While the reason is not yet known, some researchers suggest it could be because the body's circadian clock could be linked to lunar cycles on some level. Do a bit of research and find what works for you when this comes along once a month.
06/6You may have restless leg syndrome
If you have the urge to move your leg or even walk in a state of rest, you may have Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). However, a Johns Hopkins University study found many people with RLS still have trouble sleeping even after they are treated. The reason may be because the medication prescribed caters to managing dopamine levels and not glutamate, a compound responsible for keeping you awake. If you feel this is a condition you may have, seek professional help.