01/8Giving up alcohol doesn’t mean you have to give up on having a social life!

Giving up alcohol doesn’t mean you have to give up on having a social life!

This is for all of you millennials who stand out like sore thumbs at parties thanks to being absolutely sober. Choosing to drink alcohol is a choice and if you have decided to give up or to never try it completely, that’s solely your decision to make. But, none of that means that you’ll cannot have a social life. Today, we have brought you some tried-and-tested ways to enjoy a party completely sober...And yes, it’s totally possible!


02/8Be the bartender

Be the bartender

When you start making drinks for the party, you get to talk to everyone. Not only does it impress everyone that a sober person can make such a good cocktail but also, you will have something fun to do while the rest are drunk-partying. Being the bartender, you might even get to hear some crazy stories from people at the party. Who doesn’t love that, right?


03/8Order a fancy mocktail

Order a fancy mocktail

Just because you don't drink alcohol doesn't mean you can't have fancy drinks. There are several ‘soft’ beverages to choose from. Also, if you order a cool-looking mocktail, you can fit right into the circle where everyone will be holding onto their drinks and you won’t feel like an outsider anymore.


04/8Just watch

Just watch

Sometimes, the best thing you could do at a party is watch other people. A party is a perfect place to study all kinds of drunk, human behaviour. Witness complex mating rituals, bizarre eating habits, and other wildly interesting behavioural patterns. Sit back and enjoy the drama!


05/8Let the music lead you

Let the music lead you

With alcohol in your system, we bet you know (especially if you used to drink) that it makes dancing a lot easier. However, without a sip of alcohol, it’s easy to feel like everyone’s watching you dance. Let go of your notions and inhibitions and let the music (and the DJ) guide you.


06/8Invest in YOU

Invest in YOU

Drinkers, especially heavy drinkers tend to spend a lot on alcohol, especially if the party is not a house party. Well, for you, you’ll have all that cash to spend on other things! You could invest in a good Prada bag or eat sushi to your heart's content. It’s all up to you...


07/8Reap the benefits

Reap the benefits

When you aren’t drinking, it leaves you with a lot of ‘sober’ time whilst your friends are all sloshed out on the sofa. If you happen to be in a different city or place, leave the indoors and go explore the outdoors, even if it means doing it alone. You could even go play some pool or go bowling for that matter! At a karaoke party? Sing to your heart’s content!


08/8Know when to leave

Know when to leave

It’s very common for non-drinkers to end up feeling bored at a party where everyone is high on several cans of beer. Don’t feel shy to call it a night and leave.
PS: The next morning when you scroll through Instagram, remember that things look far better on Insta than they do in reality. You missed out on nothing much...
