01/5A ‘type of toe’ can reveal a lot about a person’s personality

A ‘type of toe’ can reveal a lot about a person’s personality

There is no other thing that piques our interest than a personality quiz, unless it’s an obscure thing about us like our handwriting or blood group that also gives a peak into our personality. The latest to join this line of obscure things is your type of toe. Turns out, there are quite a few types of toe that are commonly found among people. Each toe type have certain common personality traits and they are as accurate as they can get. Your toes are an integral part of your feet, and your feet literally carries all your weight together, so this could just be true. Wondering toe type are you? Read on.


02/5The Egyptian Toe

The Egyptian Toe

The Egyptian toe type is distinguished by a long toe, followed by others that taper to form a 45 degree angle. These foot types are usually longer and narrower than other shapes. People with these type of toes have a royal air about them and love a little extra dose of pampering. They have good sense of aesthetic and are very friendly people, so much that they are your best bet to deal with a difficult bunch.


03/5The Roman Toe

The Roman Toe

The Roman Toe is characterised by the first three toe being of the same height and the rest of the toes in a descending order. People with this type of toe usually have a balanced body shape and also a pleasing personality. They are known to be outgoing people who love adventure and exploring different cultures and spaces.


04/5The Greek Toe

The Greek Toe

The Greek Toe is also known as the Flame Foot or the Fire Foot, perhaps because of their extremely sporty and creative personality. It is characterised by a protruding second toe, which is longer than the big toe.People with these toes have strong leadership qualities. However, they also have a reputation of being impulsive and stressing out so much that it’s chaotic. They’re very energetic and super fun to be around.


05/5The Peasant Toe

The Peasant Toe

The Peasant Toe can be distinguished by the practically same length of all the toes, with the toes being a tad bit longer.The entire feet appear square in shape because of this.People with this type of toe are extremely patient and thoughtful. They tend to ponder long over their decisions. Pragmatic and honest by nature, they are truly sorted in life.
