01/8Beauty tips for your neck that you need to keep in mind

Beauty tips for your neck that you need to keep in mind

How many times have you actually paid attention to the skin on your neck? We're always so engrossed with our face, arms, legs and whatnot that we fail to pay attention to the most delicate skin on our body which happens to be on our neck. Since the skin on your neck is thinner than the skin on your face, it is more likely to experience signs of ageing a lot faster than on your face. In fact, it is also more prone to sagging and wrinkles. This is why you need to ensure that you take care of your neck just as well as the rest of your body. Here are some beauty tips for your neck that you absolutely should keep in mind. Take a look.


02/8Use masks and packs

Use masks and packs

Just like you opt for masks and packs for your face, you can do the same for your neck too. In fact, if you could opt for DIY packs that would be even better. Try to use fruits like apple, bananas, avocado, and plums which all work wonders for the skin.


03/8Get a spa treatment done

Get a spa treatment done

One amazing thing you can do for your body is to treat it to a spa session. You can ask them specifically to give you a better neck massage and focus more on the neck area. It'll help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated in no time and it'll give your skin a radiant glow.


04/8Use ice cubes

Use ice cubes

If big pores on your skin are bothering you then one thing that can really help is to apply ice cubes to your neck area. Just rub them on your neck for about 15 minutes (no longer than that) and you'll see a significant reduction in the appearance of your pores.


05/8Opt for an oil massage

Opt for an oil massage

Just like your face and scalp, your neck can also do well if you opt for an oil massage twice a week. Just take some almond oil or olive oil or chamomile oil and apply it to your skin. Make sure to massage in an upward position and only do this for 5-10 minutes. Any longer can cause your skin to sag. The oil can help keep your skin hydrated and moist.


06/8Put on a sheet mask

Put on a sheet mask

We're sure you have a favourite sheet mask that you just can't do without. One thing to remember every time you apply your sheet mask is to not wipe away the excess product that drips on your neck. Just use the product and massage your neck area nicely. Once you take off your sheet mask and rinse your neck you'll notice just how much better the skin on your neck looks.


07/8Remove all your makeup

Remove all your makeup

You've definitely been told multiple times that you always need to remove all your makeup before you go to bed. And although you may follow this religiously when it comes to your face, how many times have you actually done the same for your neck? Ensure that you remove all the makeup from your neck also so that you don't end up with breakouts.


08/8Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate!

Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate!

Don't just limit your exfoliating session to your face. Make sure that you exfoliate your neck as well. It'll help get rid of all the dead skin cells, dirt and grime from your neck and will leave you with smooth, glowing skin. Just ensure to exfoliate in an upward motion and for no longer than three minutes.
