Want to boost your fertility? Try these yoga poses
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Last updated on - Aug 3, 2019, 10:31 IST01/6These yoga poses may help you boost your fertility
Practising the art of yoga on a regular basis can have numerous health benefits - physically and mentally. From weight loss to diabetes, yoga can help tackle many issues. It may even boost your fertility. If you are looking to start a family and want to boost your chances of getting pregnant in a healthy way, certain asanas can help. Here are a few yoga poses that may help boost your fertility.
02/6Bhramari Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama is simple to do and yields a whole lot of benefits. Stress is a major cause of infertility for many women. This particular pose helps to put you in a calmer state of mind. All you have to do is sit on the ground and close your eyes. Take deep breaths slowly. Next, close your eyes and close your ear lids with your thumbs. Now rest your middle fingers over your eyes and stay in this pose for a while.
03/6Garland Pose
The garland pose helps you to put your back at ease and open out your hips. This squatting pose helps to stretch the ankles, groins, as well as back torso. More importantly, it increases blood circulation in the pelvis, which will help to boost your fertility. This may be a challenging pose if squatting is difficult. Take your time and build your way to it.
04/6Wide-Legged Forward Fold
The best way to boost your fertility is to keep your mind calm and allow for space in your hips.To begin,make sure your feet are wide apart. Next, bend your knees and get your hands on the floors. Gently place your head on the flood and allow your hand to hold your heels. Stay in this pose for at least five breathes. Don't forget to take deep breaths.
05/6Wide Knees Child's Pose
This pose is relaxing and soothing for the belly. The first thing you need to do is kneel down and make sure your knees are apart really wide. Next, crawl your hands forward and allow your forehead to rest on the floor. Stay in this pose for a while. Take at least 10 deep breaths.
06/6Goddess Pose
The Goddess Pose can help you build a lot of strength. It can also make build flexibility in the pelvis and hips. This is essential for childbirth. The pose is relatively simple to do. Step your feet out and turn your thighs out while you are in a standing position. Next, sink your hips and make your knees bend. Put your arms in a "cactus" pose and breathe for at least 10 breaths.