01/10Want rosy cheeks naturally? Here's what you need to do

Want rosy cheeks naturally? Here's what you need to do

Every woman likes to have rosy cheeks as it automatically enhances the fresh face and makes them look prettier than ever. And many women usually apply a blush on or a tint of lip shade on their cheekbones to achieve rosy cheeks. But what if we tell you that you can also get rosy cheeks naturally? That's right, just like there are ways to get spotless skin without using foundations and concealers, there are ways in which you can get rosy cheeks as well. All you have to do is follow these tips and tricks religiously and you'll eventually achieve naturally pink cheeks without any makeup on. Sounds impressive, right?

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02/10Manage stress levels

Manage stress levels

Stress can make you look a lot more tired and fatigued than you might actually be. It can take away that beautiful glow from your face. Try to manage your anger and stress levels through meditation or other techniques and you'll notice just how well it'll work for your skin too.




While exfoliating your skin can have some amazing effects on it, you also need to remember that moisturisation is just as important. Opt for one that is rich in Vitamin E as that works best for your skin. You could also opt for herbal ones that contain aloe vera or avocado and you'll end up with that blush glow in no time.


04/10Massage your face

Massage your face

You don't have to be a professional to give your face a good massage. Just start by softly patting your fingers on your face, first in an anti-clockwise direction and then in the clockwise direction. Doing this will help boost blood circulation in your face and will give you that natural flush of red on your skin.


05/10Vegetable juice

Vegetable juice

It's true that you should be eating all healthy things in order to achieve great things, but even applying some vegetable juice on your face can give you rosy cheeks. If you want to be certain, you can apply beetroot and tomato juice on your face, leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.

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06/10Cucumber pack

Cucumber pack

You can make a face pack at home out of cucumber, lemon juice and honey. Apply the pack on your cleansed face and let it dry for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. If you follow this at least twice or thrice a week, you'll see natural rosy cheeks in no time.

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We all know that exfoliation helps in clearing all dead cells of the face and also opens up the clogged pores of the skin. But you must also know that regular exfoliation helps in achieving rosy cheeks too. So don't miss this skin care routine step now that you know it can bless you with rosy cheeks.

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08/10Mild bleaching

Mild bleaching

You might not know this but mild bleaching with apple cider vinegar can do wonders to achieve clear skin and rosy cheeks. It also helps in getting a shine to your face however, you aren't supposed to do this daily, but at regular intervals.

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If you think you aren't hydrated enough through the day, make sure you start maintaining the same. Drinking water doesn't only keep you hydrated but also helps your body in flushing out all the toxins which in turn blesses you with clear skin and rosy cheeks.

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10/10Eat right

Eat right

You must know that once you start eating healthy and only follow a healthy diet, you can achieve the kind of skin and hair you desire. Healthy eating clears up the body from all the waste and in turn gives it lots of good things which repairs the body from that fixes how you look appearance wise too. Hence, start maintaining a healthy diet and includes lots of fruits in your daily diet.

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