01/5Try out these healthy starch options

Try out these healthy starch options

Let's be honest, the first thought that comes to your mind when we say the word starch out loud is that it's something that's super unhealthy for you. And you're not wrong, most starchy foods aren't all that great for your health. It's best to avoid refined starches like flour but that doesn't really mean that all starchy food is bad for you. There are actually multiple options out there for you to try. Here are some healthy starch options that you could easily opt for.


02/5Whole grains

Whole grains

Whole grains can be rather healthy for you. Grains like oatmeal contain an excellent source of starch that can actually aid digestion. Apart from oatmeal, you could also try other whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and barley. These are best when they're cooked.




Who isn't bananas for bananas right? This tasty fruit has a plethora of health benefits to offer. Bananas contain significant amounts of resistant starch and fibres and can prove to be a great source of natural, complex carbs.


04/5Vegetable starches

Vegetable starches

Vegetable starches are actually not all that bad for your health. They happen to be an excellent source of potassium and when consumed in moderation it can actually prove to be really good for your health. You'll get healthy starch from veggies like corn, peas, potatoes, yam and squashes.




Legumes are undoubtedly really good for health and are best consumed when cooked. Peas, chickpeas, beans, soybeans, and peanuts are all great sources of resistant starch and even contain proteins, vitamins as well as other helpful nutrients.
