Sleepy or Sleep Deprived? These Signs Will Help You Differentiate
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Last updated on - Aug 6, 2019, 16:14 IST01/5These signs will help you differentiate between being sleepy and sleep deprivation
Let’s start this with some fact checking. Sleepiness and sleep deprivation are two completely different things. While you can feel sleepy when you’re sleep deprived, being sleepy doesn’t always translate to sleep deprivation. Yawning after a hearty lunch could mean lack of caffeine or lethargy. Sleepiness or sluggishness can be easily cured by a quick walk or a dose of coffee. But sleep deprivation can be rectified only with a good amount of sleep. Differentiating between the two can be quite tricky, especially when the symptoms are so damn similar. Ahead are some symptoms of sleep deprivation that will help you clear the confusion.
02/5You Have "Micro-Sleeps"
Despite the sluggishness and sleepiness you feel post afternoon, it won’t cause you to sleep. Sleep deprivation can be weird and scarily different in this regard. Sleep deprivation can cause, micro-sleeping, meaning brief seconds-long periods of sleep that usually happen without any sense of awareness. This, is extremely scary, especially while driving.
03/5You Feel Weirdly Alert
On the other way around, sleep deprivation can also make you feel wired and awake. It can make you feel a surprising manic of energy. This is because the lack of sleep activates stress hormones like adrenaline. So, if you didn’t sleep well and still feel weirdly wired, take note. You might just deeply sleep deprived.
04/5You're Taking A Medication
Certain medications can cause fatigue as a side effect, so if you can't keep your eyes open or feel more sleepy than usual, this may be why. If it's bothering you, let your doctor know. They may be able to make an adjustment so you feel less sluggish during the day.
05/5You're More Accident Prone
If you drop things all the time, or trip over your own feet, consider how much sleep you're getting each night. This will be your cue to pay more attention to your sleep schedule, and find ways to get those seven hours.