01/5Your brain is trying to alert you through these signs

Your brain is trying to alert you through these signs

You basically only function according to your brain's signals. It's the body's master control center which is quite a complex organ that's responsible for your emotions, speech, memory, thoughts as well as skills. When there's something that's going wrong in your body, your brain sends out a signal to alert you. It is your duty to pick on these signals and take necessary precautions instead of ignoring them and letting your health deteriorate. This list will help you with the warning signs that your brain tries to tell you.

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02/5You wake up feeling tired

You wake up feeling tired

Getting a full night's sleep and still waking up feeling tired? This could mean that you're suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is when you have various episodes of waking up in the middle of the night due to lack of oxygen to the brain. Due to repeated nighttime waking, the body doesn't get through the normal stages of REM sleep which ideally doesn't let people to wake up feeling fresh.

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03/5Uncontrollable shaking of hands, face or legs

Uncontrollable shaking of hands, face or legs

When you suddenly start feeling uncontrolled shaking of your face, arms or legs on just one side of your body, it could mean that you are having a seizure. If you pick on this sign, immediately see a doctor.

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04/5Blur vision in one eye

Blur vision in one eye

If you deal with blur vision which gets painful with every eye movement, it could be due to an inflammation in the nerve in the back of your eye. This is an indication that it could be a condition called optic neuritis which is one of the symptoms of a demyelinating disease like multiple sclerosis.

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05/5A stabbing headache that lasts a second

A stabbing headache that lasts a second

Sometimes, you might feel like a firm headache or an ice pick in your head for a second or so. This is a type of headache variant that is not dangerous but it can get scary and concern you if you keep avoiding it.

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