01/5You DON’T have to kiss a lot of frogs!

You DON’T have to kiss a lot of frogs!

Gone are the days, when you met the love of your life, sipping a cocktail across the bar and an unlikely conversation lead to friendship and then, love happened! The millennial way of meeting and dating people is through dating apps. They’re pretty darn popular and there truly isn’t any taboo anymore. It’s safe to say you don’t have to cautious about every person catfishing you. But that still doesn’t mean there won’t be any red flags, especially when there is only so much pictures and words reveal about a person. So, in case you’re looking for a long-haul commitment, here are a few common online dating red-flags you must be aware of. Ahead are some commonly-missed dating app red flags, according to the experts.


02/5"I Just Moved Here"

"I Just Moved Here"

No, we’re not saying this is a lie. But here’s what we think that could be problematic, that is if you’re looking for a relationship. A serious relationship may be the last thing on someone’s mind if they just moved into a new place.Getting used to their new jobs, making new friends and adjusting to their lives in the new city can pretty much take up a person’s entire day. So, if a recently moved person is on a dating app, they aren’t exactly looking for something serious.


03/5A Lot Of "Don'ts" In Their Profile

A Lot Of "Don'ts" In Their Profile

How often do you come across profiles that have bios like “Don’t swipe right if … “ Many, right? Here’s what we find off putting about it. When a person is so clear about the things they don’t want in a person rather than want, chances are they are going to treat you just another date- and that doesn’t sound like the beginning of your magical forver and ever.


04/5A Party Animal

A Party Animal

A one off party picture can be exception, but if every picture of your potential match is in a party setting, it’s huge red flag, mainly because you’d never be seeing them not partying and that isn’t a good indicator of wanting relationships. Swipe left, unless you’re a party animal yourself –then swipe right, right away!


05/5No bios

No bios

As much as a person would like to say they aren’t exactly, ‘word-y’, a profile with non bio is a clear indication that the person doesn’t care enough. And a person who doesn’t care enough isn’t a person anyone would like to date!
