01/8These foods can increase your platelet count the natural way

These foods can increase your platelet count the natural way

One of the most important components of your blood are platelets, which are tiny blood cells. It helps in numerous ways. For one, they help to prevent blood loss. They also help the body form clots when you suffer an injury to prevent excess bleeding. They are also part of the process that helps to repair damage blood vessels quickly. When your blood platelet count is low it can be harmful. A viral disease, cancer and genetic disorders are some of the contributing factors. Here are foods you can consume to increase your platelet count in order to stay healthy.


02/8Fresh Milk

Fresh Milk

Fresh milk is said to be a rich source of calcium which is why it is recommended to drink milk if you want your bone strength to increase. But while this was already a known fact, did you know that milk also helps regenerate blood platelets? And it even contains vitamin K which is essential when it comes to blood clotting.




Raisins make for a rather delicious treat especially when they're sprinkled on dessert. They happen to be rich in iron and can help strengthen the body while also normalising blood platelet count. You can just munch on them as a snack or you could add them to foods like oatmeal for a treat.


04/8Lean Meats

Lean Meats

Lean meats are suggested to be extremely good for health. Foods like fish, chicken and turkey are categorised under lean meats and are rich in protein, zinc and Vitamin B12. All of these can help increase your body's blood platelet count.




This juicy fruit is not only delicious to eat, but it packed with a lot of nourishment. Pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as helps to give the immune system a boost. Researchers have found it can reduce the risk of heart disease and increase platelet count. You can consume it as a juice or enjoy it in salads or oatmeal.




Pumpkin contains a high amount of vitamin A. This vegetable also regulates protein cells that are essential to help increase your platelet count. You can cook it in various dishes or make pumpkin juice. Add a bit of honey to this drink if you like something sweet. You should consume this drink at least twice a day to get the most out of it.




Want to increase your platelet count? Consume lots of papayas. Apart from the fruit, you can also consume papaya leaves, which has a lot of healing properties that can help increase your platelet count. Researchers from the Asian Institute of Science and Technology in Malaysia found papaya leaf extract significantly increased the platelet count in dengue patients. To make a nourishing drink, boil papaya leaves in water. Consume this drink at least twice a day.




On a daily basis, consume half cup of wheatgrass juice if your platelet count is very low. You can also add a little lemon to it. A 2011 study published in the International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences revealed wheatgrass has amazing benefits. The team found it helps to increase red blood cells and haemoglobin. One of the reasons are because it is high in chlorophyll, which has molecular makeup similar to haemoglobin.
