01/5Horse chestnut extract contains great health benefits

Horse chestnut extract contains great health benefits

Horse chestnut extract is a popular dietary supplement that can help improve a host of health issues like reduce inflammation, as well as treat varicose veins. One of the main reasons it is so powerful is because it contains aescin, which researchers have been studying for its wealth of health benefits. Multiple studies have found it can do a lot of good. Here is what researchers have found about horse chestnut extract.


02/5Treats haemorrhoids

Treats haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids cause the veins to swell around your anus and rectum. It can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. Itching, irritation and bleeding are some of the symptoms you can experiencae. Because horse chestnut seed extract contains anti-inflammatory properties it can help the body health from this medical condition.


03/5Contains anti-inflammatory properties

Contains  anti-inflammatory properties

Inflammation can cause a host of issues like excess fluid buildup in your tissues and result in fluid retention. Horse chestnut extract is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, which can help treat this issue and help you heal. A study found that using a topical ointment containing aescin, which is found in horse chestnut seed extract, can reduce swelling after injury or surgery.


04/5Could treat varicose veins

Could treat varicose veins

People who have varicose veins suffer from swollen and bulging veins that are caused by CVI. Horse chestnut extract can improve the symptoms and reduce the pain. Researchers found 58% of participants who took horse chestnut seed extract over a period of eight weeks significantly improved their condition.


05/5Offers relief for chronic venous insufficiency

Offers relief for chronic venous insufficiency

Poor blood flow to the veins of the legs is known as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Cramps, pain, swelling and ulcers in the leg are some of the symptoms. Horse chestnut contains aescin, which has medicinal properties. It can help improve blood flow and improve symptoms of the condition.
