01/8Parsley root has amazing health benefits

Parsley root has amazing health benefits

Parsley root is a popular ingredient used in many European dishes. Even though it looks like a carrot, it has a very different taste. While you can consume the leaves, its thick roots are the reason it is mostly grown. The root is where all the nutrition lies in this vegetable. It is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, vitamin C, folate, and zinc. Here are a few reasons you need to add parsley root to your diet.


02/8Rich in nutrients

Rich in nutrients

If there's one thing parsley roots are rich in, it has to be nutrients. They're loaded with vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, folate, and zinc. Plus, it also has a ton of fibre so it's pretty good for your digestive system.


03/8Boosts detoxification

Boosts detoxification

Your liver produces an antioxidant called glutathione which can help eliminate toxins from your body. A study found that parsley juice can significantly increase the amount of glutathione which helps the body get rid of toxins easily.




One of the best things about the parsley root is that it happens to be super versatile. You can eat it however you want whether it's raw or cooked. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to pick the right ones. Pick out ones that are beige in colour, firm, and unbruised and the tops should be green and not wilted.


05/8May help detoxify the body

May help detoxify the body

Glutathione is an antioxidant, which is produced by the liver. It plays a crucial role in the body's detoxification process. A study found that juice made from parsley root can increase the amount of glutathione and other detoxification enzymes in the liver tissue. While further research is needed to back up this claim, the results look promising.


06/8Could tackle cancer

Could tackle cancer

Some studies claim parsley root can tackle some forms of cancer. Because it is so rich in fibre, it may be able to reduce the risk of colon, ovarian, head, and neck cancers. A test-tube study found in parsley root extract prevents the growth and spread of breast cancer cells. However, further research is needed to understand the vegetable's full effect.


07/8May tackle inflammation

May tackle inflammation

Parsley root has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. The body's natural response to stress is inflammation. Too much of it can seriously increase your risk of deadly diseases. Parsley root contains compounds like myristicin, apiol, and furanocoumarins, which has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects. Because it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, consuming parsley root can help manage the body’s inflammatory response. It can also protect against heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.


08/8Rich source of antioxidants

Rich source of antioxidants

Parsley roots contain a high amount of antioxidants, which can help fight free radicals that can harm the body. Antioxidants can also help reduce stress, a problem that has become ever so common. This root is also a rich source of two very important antioxidants known as myristicin and apiol. Another bonus point is that it contains vitamin C, which functions as an antioxidant. This can help protect the body from serious health issues.
