01/5Do you cry in front of your partner? Here's why it can be a good thing

Do you cry in front of your partner? Here's why it can be a good thing

More often than not we're told that we shouldn't cry in front of our partners to avoid making a scene. But truth be told, anyone who tells you that you shouldn't be crying in front of them does not deserve to be in your life. Humans have complicated emotions that require us to be vulnerable to the people around us. If we can't surround ourselves with such people, there's no point in being friends with them or dating them. Crying in front of your partner doesn't mean you're trying to create a scene, it only means that you love him and trust him enough to be vulnerable in front of him. Here's why that can be a good thing. Take a look.


02/5It shows that you care about your relationship

It shows that you care about your relationship

If you didn't care about your relationship, you wouldn't bother showing any sort of emotions related to it. The fact that you cry in front of your partner shows that you love and trust him and can be vulnerable in front of him. So, even if you feel like you're letting too many of your emotions show, just breathe and remember it’s okay.


03/5It will make your relationship stronger

It will make your relationship stronger

For better or for worse, that's how those marriage vows go. But honestly, this statement should apply to relationships as well. Your partner needs to be there for you during good times and bad which is why he also should be there for you when you shed those tears in front of him. You'll bond even better if you display your emotions to him.


04/5It shows that you're ready to be vulnerable in front of him

It shows that you're ready to be vulnerable in front of him

As we mentioned earlier, crying in front of your partner shows that you aren't afraid of being vulnerable in front of him. It just shows that you trust him with all your heart and you will always prioritize your relationship enough to show all sorts of emotions about it.


05/5It proves you've found the right person

It proves you've found the right person

Anyone who tells you that crying will only cause drama and tension does not deserve to be dating you. Instead, if you've got a partner in front of whom you can cry without feeling guilty or like you'll be judged, it proves that you're dating the right person.
