01/7This culinary must-have is great for taste and health

This culinary must-have is great for taste and health

Slightly stinky, but crunchy, bamboo shoot is great for adding texture to your meals. Bamboo sprouts or shoots have been a part of Southeast Asian cuisines and parts of India. Found fresh, canned and preserved varieties, bamboo shoots have incredible nutrients for the body. They can be used to make pickles or soups or even a stir fry. Described as ‘The poor man’s timber’, it can improve your health in the following ways:

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02/7Aids weight management

Aids weight management

Lesser known fact about consuming bamboo shoots is that it is weight-loss friendly. It contains negligible amount of calories, carbohydrates and sugar, while keeping you full for a long time.

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03/7Treats respiratory disorders

Treats respiratory disorders

Bamboo shoots can be effective to treat kinds of respiratory disorders. Prepare a concogtion of the shoots by double boiling them and consume it with honey for best results.
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04/7Maintains heart condition

Maintains heart condition

According to cardiologists, consuming bamboo shoots can help the heart from various cardiac diseases. It contains phytosterols and phytonutrients which can dissolve a blockage in arteries. It also prevents bad or LDL cholesterol.

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05/7Improves immunity

Improves immunity

Bamboo shoots are packed with minerals and vitamins that can shoot up the immunity levels. It can prevent viral infections and aid in the smooth functioning of the brain to reduce the risk of developing any neurodegenerative disorder.

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06/7Fosters uterine contractions

Fosters uterine contractions

Studies have shown the benefit of these shoots to aid normal delivery in pregnant women. According to Chinese traditions, pregnant ladies are expected to eat bamboo shoots more to facilitate a normal delivery.

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The juice extracted from bamboo shoots can save lives from poisoning due to snake bite or other insect’s venom. You may consume the juice directly or apply it physically over the affected area to draw out the toxin or poison.

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