01/5These gross bodily functions are nothing to worry about

These gross bodily functions are nothing to worry about

Paying attention to one’s own body and the signs of what’s changing or what’s not is an extremely important habit to cultivate. Paying attention to these symptoms are the gateway to knowing if your body is functioning in a healthy manner. But to know if one is healthy, a guessing game won’t suffice. To know what the clues your body gives, you must know what they mean. Deciphering these clues becomes a little tricky, especially when the symptoms your body gives are kind of gross. While one might think that this may be something wrong, sometimes these gross things means, your body isn’t doing anything wrong. If you’re wondering what they could be, read on!


02/5Having Large Bowel Moments

Having Large Bowel Moments

Sometimes large bowel moments can be a tad embarrassing, plainly because they aren’t that common. But you don’t have to be. Large bowel moments are actually a sign of good health. If your bowel movements are well-formed and sans food particles, you’re pretty much a rock star. Brownie points if they are at the same time.


03/5Producing Earwax

Producing Earwax

If you always thought your earwax smeared q-tips were a bad thing, you probably also wiped your ears a little extra hard. But you must earwax is actually a pretty normal thing. It comes from specialized glands to lubricate the inner ear canal. It also serves as a protective sound barrier for the eardrum. So, easy on those q-tips.


04/5Excreting Vaginal Fluids

Excreting Vaginal Fluids

Women are usually vary of the fact the vaginal fluids the body secrets. However, secreting these fluids is a sign of food health and come in very handy especially when one is trying to conceive or are sexually active. However, it’s only a good thing if it’s of a white, translucent white colour.


05/5Eyes Moving When You Sleep

Eyes Moving When You Sleep

When you're in REM sleep, your eyes will dart back and forth. If you've ever seen someone deep in sleep, you may have seen this and it probably freaked you out — it's really creepy looking. However, this is part of healthy sleep.
