01/5Want to deal with those skin issues? Try these foods

Want to deal with those skin issues? Try these foods

You must have heard of the phrase, 'You are what you eat'. Well, turns out that is true at least when it comes to skincare. What you consume can end up showing on your skin. So, if you eat the right things, you end up with glowing and radiant skin whereas the wrong kinds of food like junks and processed ingredients can leave spots, blemishes, zits and whatnot on your face. So, if you've noticed that you've ended up with some skin issues, here are some foods that could help you out with them. Take a look.

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02/5Green tea

Green tea

We're sure you already know just how amazing green tea is for weight loss but were you aware that it can also work wonders for your skin? That's right, green tea is packed with antioxidants that can not only help purify your skin from within but can also help improve its elasticity and firmness so that you don't end up with sagging skin.




While guacamole is on our list of top ten best foods you must try at least once, avocados can do a lot more than just being part of salsa. Rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and good fats, avocados can help provide your skin with the smoothness it needs. So, start consuming avocados and say goodbye to dry and rough skin.




Known for their wonderful taste and protein-rich properties, legumes are ideal for your diet. What's even better is their ability to help improve the texture of your skin. They contain properties and minerals like zinc that can help combat excessive oiliness in your skin and can thus help keep acne, pimples and zits at bay.




There's a reason why everyone suggests you rub some tomatoes on your skin if you've ended up with a tan. Well, turns out eating tomatoes can also help. They contain nutrients that can help protect your skin cells against damage and this comes in handy particularly in combating sun damage on your skin.
