01/10Cure yourself naturally than popping some pills

Cure yourself naturally than popping some pills

These days, a lot of us suffer from some or the other health issues. Be it a common cold or a digestion issue, we are always caught up making trips to the doctor for some or the other kind of medicine or advice for our illnesses. But what we're supposed to do is eat healthy instead. Every other day we come across some or the other kind of food dish that helps some or the other kind of sickness. So why not make use of natural ways to heal and cure our bodily imbalance instead of popping pills each time we fall sick. Here's a list of foods that are best for specific health issues.




Once you start eating a grapefruit everyday, it will help in reducing the risk of developing lung cancer by almost 50 percent. This fruit contains naringin which lowers the levels of cancer-causing enzymes.


03/10Monterey Jack cheese

Monterey Jack cheese

You'll be glad to know, researchers say that eating less than a quarter ounce of mozzarella, Cheddar, Gouda or Jack cheese will help you boost the pH levels which in turn helps you get rid of cavities and give you pearly white teeth.


04/10Red wine

Red wine

An antioxidant in red wine known as resveratrol helps in extending life by neutralizing disease-causing free radicals. Pinot Noir has the most resveratrol in every glass.


05/10Baked potatoes

Baked potatoes

If you increase the amount of potassium in your diet, it will decently lower your blood pressure. A baked potato boosts your intake by at least 400 mg, but you also have to eat the skin.




Garlic has a lot many health benefits. But above all, it can reduce the risk of prostrate cancer by almost 50 percent. Can you believe that?




As we all know, coffee is a great brain booster. And once you've had your coffee, your brain is alert for the nest 90 minutes straight. But apart from that, coffee can also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's by almost 60%.




Spinach is the best leafy greens to have if you wish to protect your vision. It has lutein which helps in maintaining your sharp vision. So, eat your greens which you can!




If you want to protect your skin from any infections or skin diseases, make sure to munch on some carrots. Researchers say that people with higher intakes of carotenoids are 6 times less likely to develop skin cancer than those with less intakes of the same.




If you want to maintain your blood sugar, raspberries are the best for you. They contain anthocyanins which helps boost the insulin production and also lowers the blood sugar levels that ultimately provides a strong defense against diabetes.
