Different workouts that you can do without leaving your bed
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Last updated on - May 11, 2020, 18:50 IST01/5You can easily do these poses after waking up on your bed
We all crib about the weight gain and promise to hit the gym from the next day onward. However, the truth is, our so-called ‘next day’ never comes no matter how many NY resolutions it takes. But, if you’re looking for an easier way out to break this bad habit, probably you can start warming up on your bed when you wake up. Although not all exercise is fit for the bed, a few exercises can be done without leaving the comfort of your bed. Start with these exercises:
Photo credit: Google
02/5Reverse crunches
Reverse crunches can strengthen your core muscles. Ideal for people who want to get rid of belly fat and suffer from a bad body posture.
Photo credit: Google
03/5Deadbug pose
This is the safest bed exercise that can stablise your back muscles, core and spine. It can prevent low back pain as well.
Photo credit: Google
04/5Happy child pose
This is a mood lifting pose! This helps to release tension from the mind and muscles while add flexibility to the body.
Photo credit: Google
05/5Dolphin plank
Dolphin plank can support your arms, legs and core muscles. It also helps to bring body balance.
Photo credit: Google