01/5All these things can very much cause body odour

All these things can very much cause body odour

There could be many body issues that can make you stink but there could also be other things that can cause body odour. Sometimes, what we eat and drink or how we lead our life can really affect our health and make our body start smelling. We need to constantly keep a tab on our lifestyle and eliminate all those things that can cause body odour. Hence, we've come up with a list that will help you keep yourself on a watch of how much of these things you do or use on a daily basis and how you need to start avoiding the same.




You must have often felt the smell of alcohol emanating out of your body after a night of heavy drinking. The reason behind this is that your body is trying to get rid of all those cocktails that you consumed the night before through any and every means which also includes your breath and perspiration. You need to keep your alcohol limited so as to avoid such body odours.




Many people love eating spicy food that has the ability to alter your smell and so you need to eat them at your own risk. Be it chili, peppers, turmeric or cumin, all of these spices can increase your body temperature and change the smell of your body and perspiration. Make sure you consume all of it in moderation.


04/5Too much soap

Too much soap

You might think using too much soap on your body might make it smell pleasant but it actually works opposite. Some products are too aggressive and can actually upset the natural balance of your skin which eliminates the bacteria that protect you from microbes and other foreign invaders. Only apply soap as much as your body feels the need for. Don't overdo it.


05/5Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables

Veggies like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower have a tendency of releasing a strong odour when cooked. These veggies also have a lot of sulfur through which the body processes the smelly components in many ways including perspiration. Keep the consumption of these veggies limited.
