01/5Want to say 'No' to friends and family? Here's how you can do it

Want to say 'No' to friends and family? Here's how you can do it

Do you often find yourself stuck in a hopeless situation just because you weren't able to say 'No' to a particular family member or a friend? Well, most of us can relate to that situation. As children, we're conditioned to be polite and to agree with almost everything because of which as adults we find it super hard to refuse things we don't really want to do. What you need to understand is that it's okay to say no. Not only will it give you peace of mind but it might just work out better for the other person as well because if you're incapable of doing what they asked, what good will it be if you agreed to do it? So, here are some polite ways in which you can say 'No' to friends and family. Take a look.


02/5Show them that you appreciate their gesture

Show them that you appreciate their gesture

So, let's assume that your relatives decided to take a trip over the weekend and they've asked whether you'd like to join. And let's say that you don't want to. Don't just refuse right away. Hear them out and then tell them how much you appreciate the fact that they thought about inviting you and then politely decline and state the reason why you're declining. This way they'll know that you at least appreciate their gestures.


03/5Try to not be rude in any way

Try to not be rude in any way

We're not saying that you might be doing this on purpose but a lot of people don't really know how to use tact to decline invitations. If you just say something like, 'Nope, can't do' then the people inviting you are going to think you're a snob. Saying something like, 'Oh thanks for inviting me but I've already got to attend XYZ's party so maybe I can take a raincheck on this one?', will show them that you at least care about their invite.


04/5Suggest an alternative

Suggest an alternative

You could always ask to meet them some other day. For example, if your friend has invited you to a party on Wednesday and you can't make it, you could always ask them if they're free on Friday instead. This will show them that you're at least willing to make the effort to meet them.


05/5Learn to let things go

Learn to let things go

If despite everything, someone gets mad at you for not being a part of their plans you need to understand that there's no need to feel guilty about it. If you've stated a clear reason and you've refused as politely as possible, the other person should also act like a mature adult and get over things.
