01/5Here's why you should start using mustard oil for cooking

Here's why you should start using mustard oil for cooking

Mustard oil is amongst one of the most commonly used oils when it comes to cooking. This isn't just because it has a rather delicious flavour but also because it hosts a variety of health benefits. Composed of fatty acids like monosaturated fatty acids (59 g), saturated fatty acids (11 g) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (21 g), mustard oil can truly work wonders for your health. So, if you aren't already using mustard oil in your cooking, here are all the benefits it has to offer that will prompt you to start using it.


02/5Has cancer-fighting properties

Has cancer-fighting properties

Quite a few studies have found that mustard oil contains cancer-fighting properties. It contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids which can work wonders in reducing the risk of developing colon cancer. A few studies were also able to find that it can reduce tumour size by 50% as compared to other cooking oils.


03/5Helps maintain body weight

Helps maintain body weight

Another amazing health benefit of using mustard oil in cooking is that it can help you maintain your body weight. It helps reduce total cholesterol levels in the body while reducing the bad levels and increasing good cholesterol levels.


04/5Lowers risk of developing heart disease

Lowers risk of developing heart disease

It's no secret that as of now the leading cause of death is heart disease. But did you know that edible oils can play a major role in preventing the onset of such heart diseases? Since mustard oil is packed with polyunsaturated fatty acids, it can help control cholesterol levels, thus also preventing heart diseases.


05/5Works as a taste enhancer

Works as a taste enhancer

While not exactly a health benefit, this too can make things better for you when you're cooking. Mustard oil acts as a taste enhancer so whenever you cook something in it, it can help improve its taste significantly by adding certain flavour and aroma to it.
